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This is a hand tied bouquet, based around red roses, and with rich pinks added. This bouquet has pink callas, celosia caracas, cabbage flowers, Green bell and Scarlet Diamond limonium, sedum and purple hydrangea. We will substitute with the best flowers of the season, but keep the theme of red roses and rich colours.
The bouquet is made as a hand tied arrangement, so all you need to do is put it in a vase, or request a vase with your order.
The flowers can be wrapped in tissue and brown paper with a raffia bow, or aqua packed and put in a gift bag. The choice is yours. Free delivery next day in Holborn and central London. We do provide same day delivery for a small fee.
Availability date:
Happy Anniversary
A gorgeous selection of rich pinks and red roses, with a romantic feel.
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This is a hand tied bouquet, based around red roses, and with rich pinks added. This bouquet has pink callas, celosia caracas, cabbage flowers, Green bell and Scarlet Diamond limonium, sedum and purple hydrangea. We will substitute with the best flowers of the season, but keep the theme of red roses and rich colours.
The bouquet is made as a hand tied arrangement, so all you need to do is put it in a vase, or request a vase with your order.
The flowers can be wrapped in tissue and brown paper with a raffia bow, or aqua packed and put in a gift bag. The choice is yours. Free delivery next day in Holborn and central London. We do provide same day delivery for a small fee.
£ 35.00
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£ 60.00
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£ 225.00
£ 55.00
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£ 90.00
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£ 95.00