Spring Flowers at Stems of Windsor
The winter has been a cold one, with many frosty mornings and minus temperatures. Flowers are stored at 2 – 3 degrees, so they are happy with this weather, but we have not been able to put a display outside the shop.
We did enjoy working at The Loch and the Tyne this morning, in the dazzzling sunshine. The beautiful silver birch in my garden looked so lovely, covered in frost.
Spring flowers tend to be small and dainty. I love the gentle scent of freesia, waxflower, genista and myrtle.
Tulips are best displayed on their own, or with some birch, pussy willow or early blossom. The flower contines to grow in length and oftens bends over, creating an interesting shape.
Whatever your favourite spring flowers are, yiu cannorder from us at Stems of Windsor.