Florist in Bloomsbury

Happy Anniversary

This is our beautiful bouquet we have named Happy Anniversary. We gave it this name when we created it for a dear friend’s wedding anniversary. I love the rich red of the roses with the purples – strong colours that hold their own beside one another.

Mon petit chou bouquet

In contrast, this pale bouquet of gentle whites, pinks and greens that we have named Mon Petit Chou, makes a suitable gift for many occasions. It contains white agapanthuus, white roses, cabbages and foliage, including myrtle and berried ivy.

Wild World

This part foraged bouquet includes cabbages, celosia, teasel and berried ivy with pussy willow and trailing amaranthus. I love the wild, natural look of it. I love the diversity of the requests we get for flowers too.


Autumn as a season is best eeflected in the golds, green and rusts of the changing leaves and the golden sunshine, with a touch of blue/grey clouds. This bouquet, which you can find in our Autumn Specials in the online shop, depicts just that.

Wild purple and white bouquet
Stems of Holborn purple and white bouquet

The purples, mauves and whites of summer are still available. This bouquet was purple, white and green, and delivered in a vase for a guest at a local hotel. Long stemmed roses, lisianthus and limonium with cabbages and pussy willow in a clear glass vase.

The offices in Holborn are still literally empty. I know many people like working from home, and it’s safer than travelling to the office, but it’s having a devastating effect on the Hospitality industry. Let’s hope a vaccine is found soon, and we can return to some sort of normailty.

By janet

Jan founded Stems in London WC1 in 1985, after changing her career as a teacher/translator, & training as a florist in Sweden. Her unique style, inspired by country walks, has been described as natural & wild, but with depth & sophistication. From a simple, tiny posy to grand events at St. James's Palace, Jan loves creating beautiful arrangements.