Flower Crowns by Stems of Windsor

We love making flower crowns, fresh or dried, with gorgeous little bits of treasure we have foraged in the garden or found in a country walk, often along the banks of the Thames. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cu15bN5IJ-n/?igshid=Y2I2MzMwZWM3ZA== Dried Flower Crowns If you want a flower crown that will last, maybe to wear at a festival or a summer… Continue reading Flower Crowns by Stems of Windsor

Christmas Flowers at Stems of Windsor

We’ve been creating Christmas installations for hotels, pubs and restaurants since mid November. Next on the Christmas flower calendar comes wreath making. It’s traditionally the first feative addition to the home, and lasts throughout the season, hanging on our door outside. This little team want to prepare wedding flowers next spring, and wanted to practice… Continue reading Christmas Flowers at Stems of Windsor

The passing of Her Majesty the Queen ITV News interview

The news of the death of our beloved Queen has rocked the nation, and the world. As a florist, based in Windsor, in the shadow of Windsor Castle, we received many requests for flowers to be laid at the flower wall by Windsor Castle gates at the end of The Long Walk. The flower wall… Continue reading The passing of Her Majesty the Queen ITV News interview