We foraged these branches for Vogue Magazine
Category: houseplants in central London
Florist in Bloomsbury
This is our beautiful bouquet we have named Happy Anniversary. We gave it this name when we created it for a dear friend’s wedding anniversary. I love the rich red of the roses with the purples – strong colours that hold their own beside one another. In contrast, this pale bouquet of gentle whites, pinks… Continue reading Florist in Bloomsbury
Getting back to work in Bloomsbury
50 Red Roses with hydrangea Local hotels are reporting a slow return of guests to our local hotels in Bloomsbury and Holborn, so we were delighted to provide this amazing bouquet of 50 red roses and hydrangea to The Rosewood Hotel on High Holborn for a special birthday. This lovely autumn sunshine bouquet was also… Continue reading Getting back to work in Bloomsbury
Wedding flowers ideas
Wedding flowers are a joy to design! Such an important day, and we are the right people to help create the fairy-tale look for your flowers! The softer tones are definitely popular at the moment. We love the vintage shades in bouquets, including the gorgeous Memory Lane roses. The introduction of clematis to the cut… Continue reading Wedding flowers ideas