Happy New Year and happy foraging from Stems of Holborn

Branches foraged by Stems of Holborn for Vogue Magazine

We foraged these branches for Vogue Magazine

Bringing Floral Inspiration from the Countryside to the City.

Lockdown brought a new way of life for me. I have owned Stems of Holborn for 35 years, firstly living in Islington, and then for the past 20 years, living in Old Windsor and commuting to London. i think most of us push the long commute to the back of our minds, or tell ourselves… Continue reading Bringing Floral Inspiration from the Countryside to the City.

The Carbon Locking Ability of Trees to Fight Climate Change

i heard on the News this evening that the ice that has melted in Antarctica since the 90’s is enough to fill The Grand Canyon. That’s scary. I work closely with nature, the outdoors is my favourite place to be, and I love trees especially. When I look at a tree, I see strength, tenacity,… Continue reading The Carbon Locking Ability of Trees to Fight Climate Change

Stems in Holborn

As a florist in Holborn for the past 32 years, I have seen many changes. The home of Stems has always been in Sicilian Avenue. Central St. Martin’s School of Art and Design, www.arts.ac.uk was opposite my shop in Sicilian Avenue, and Victoria House was The Liverpool Victoria. So when they both moved out, it… Continue reading Stems in Holborn